Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I think it’s only fair to take off a couple of weeks from blogging.  But don’t worry, I might have some interesting news articles and tips pop up on my LinkedIn updates so be sure to keep your eyes out.

But for now, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Free Christmas Printables | Have a Holly Jolly Christmas | DIY Wall Art, Crafts, Cards |

The First 90 Days

Not only is there a book written about it, titled The First 90 Days, but it’s also an interesting time in anyone’s transition into a new role.  You’re green, and come with ideas, and without baggage so now is the time to make a splash.  Without really thinking about the book, when interviewing for my last two jobs I have come prepared with a 30-60-90 day plan to give to a potential supervisor so that he or she felt that that part of the puzzle was already thought out.

I planned on contributing and here was how I was going to do it.  You need to focus on the low hanging fruit and be confident that what you bring to a new organization is critical in terms of a new mindset and how to change some things that perhaps hadn’t been working, or hadn’t been paid attention to.

With that said, eventually…you might find yourself becoming part of the problem.  But how do you mitigate against that? How do you stay ahead and keep your mind fresh and limber, how do you not take on baggage?

Here are some recent, and not so recent bu valuable, articles:

The 90 Day Plan
Beyond the First 90 Days

After the First 90 Days
Executive Integration Beyond the First 90 Days – “It takes most leaders almost three years to integrate into a new role, make important improvements, and then see the results of their efforts. In a world that is becoming more impatient—too focused on superficial quick fixes—successful onboarding can best be assured by how well a leader navigates through three predictable “waves of change” during the transition.

Death of the Press Release?

Upon looking into the best method to send out press releases I stumbled upon an article that confirmed some of my thoughts on press releases.  The article titled, Looking for the Best PR Wire Service? Consider This… talks about the fact that wire press releases are, in my opinion, comparable to print ads back in the day.  It’s not to say they should go away for ever, or there is no place for them, but they are becoming antiquated.  Contrary to popular belief, they serve no SEO purpose, based on new Google algorithms.

The one good thing about press releases is, “Wire services do perform one exclusive function. They syndicate our news across thousands of sites on the web. The question we have to ask as marketers–is that of value to us? If it is–how much?”

I would have to agree that I am a much bigger fan of short blurb write ups, or placements than I am of press releases. I am an even bigger fan of full fledged, well written and compelling, articles or case studies.

So what are your thoughts on the matter?  Is the press release really dead?  This article disagrees.  But, how important are press releases to you?  Will you change how you write them?

Fashion in the Workplace

Get a similar look with CAbi's fall '14 Applique' Cardigan, paired back to the Curry Skirt from fall 12.

Fashion makes life fun, in my opinion.  Fashion to you is not the same as it it to me or the person sitting next to you on the train, bus, or airplane.  I can’t say that I am always on point but when I am it makes me happy and put together.  So it was really neat to read an article about the fact that people who take fashion risks are potentially rewarded and are often times seen as risk takers.  I’m not saying, wear a mini skirt to work if you’re in a suit and tie environment, but I do encourage you to wear a pair of red heels or some fun socks, gentlemen.

What are you wearing to work today?

P.S. Read the full article about fashion risk takers in the corporate jungle.