Fit Momma

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Anyone can be a fit and healthy momma.  Fitness is what you make it.  Make sure to fit in 5-10 minutes of exercise a day and you’re on your way to feeling great.  After all, if a momma feels great, so does the bay-bay.

(Follow my hashtag #fitmomma on twitter – @Linder83)

Thursday 12/31/15 – Ending on a healthy note

I want to wish you all a happy and healthy 2016! I also hope you get a chance to end 2015 on a healthy note. Get outside, breathe some air, simply get on a treadmill, or better yet, run around after your little one. Do what makes sense to you! Cheers!


Thursday 12/24/15 – Get outside this Christmas

I know that it was warm last Christmas but I do not recall it hitting almost 70 degrees on Christmas eve. So I urge everyone to get outside for a walk, run, or jog. Merry Christmas!!!


Monday 12/14/15 – Warm temps, fun runs

These warm December temps are perfect to keep you, and me, going in our quest for finding time for exercise.  Going outdoors for a walk, run, or saunter isn’t arduous because it’s above 50 degrees in early December.  Who can say no to getting outdoors when you can see your shadow on the pavement and you don’t look like a human snowman due to the fact that you don’t even need to wear a coat!?!

Monday 11/23/15 – Getting back to fitness

I have totally gotten away from my post daycare drop off runs and my daily yoga.  I feel less toned and motivated and have allowed the job search, being a mommy, and life get in the way of doing what I love…yoga and running.  It’s not to say that those two things have completely left my life but they’re not as present as I’d like them to be.  Granted, with the cooler temps, it’s not as fun going to run outdoors, but that should not be a deterrent to running as we do have a treadmill in the basement. So back to fitness it is!

Monday 9/28/15 – The boy loves yoga…

A recent phenomenon has occurred in our house.  Our son loves to do yoga.  He likes downward and upward dog, but mostly he likes to play on the yoga mats and do corpse pose.  He asks for Miss Tara, Tara Stiles…whose youtube videos I watch for a quick yoga session.  It’s interesting to see him get into the things my husband and I like to do.  If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll see that I’ve been trying to get some yoga in daily in honor of national yoga month.

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Tuesday 9/8/2015 – National Yoga Month

I just learned that September is National Yoga Month…I guess I have to roll over and start getting my butt in shape again.  It’s pretty hard coming off a long weekend and being in the middle of a heat wave but somebody’s gotta do it.  So Tara Stiles…here I come!

Friday 8/7/2015 – Doin it all

Us mommas try to do it all. So today I went for a run after drop off and mowed the lawn. Do what makes sense! Happy Friday!


Tuesday 7/21/2015 – switching it up

I decided to do something a bit different today for my workout.  It’s been so dang hot here the last few days, the weather people are trying to determine if this is going to be considered a heat wave, so instead of my usual post drop off run I decided to go for a lunch time bike ride.  What fun and healthy thing did you do today?

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Thursday 7/9/2015 – #lemonrun

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I was handed some lemons yesterday and so whenever I am feeling down or have had a no good very bad day, I go for a run.  This happened the day I got laid off, and it happened again today.  Running helps me clear my head and get back to thinking clearly.  What’s your go to when you’re handed lemons? Post to twitter under #lemonrun and tag me @Linder83, as I’d love to hear your story.

Tuesday 7/7/2015 – Intensity!!!

Both my husband and I are feeling on the fluffy side so I decided to look and find some quick workouts.  Let’s be real, the only time we have to workout is after the little one goes to bed, which is between 8:30 and 8:45pm. I found some awesome, and intense, 10 minute workouts that I wanted to share with you too!  Get your sweat on!

Wednesday 6/3/15 – Nuts for Healthy Snacks

I like to get a bunch of random nuts at the store and mix them all together for a healthy snack for all to share.  What’s your healthy snack?

Random nut mix - healthy snack!

Wednesday 5/20/15 – Let’s Buggycise!

What in the world!?! Well, my son and I call stroller rides buggy rides and I think it’s time we all made the most of our stroller rides with our little’s.  Yes, they will want to get out and run around, let them. But when they want to get back in the buggy, get down to some buggycise time.

Here’s the break down:

1 minute sprint

1 minute jog

2 minute sprint

2 minute jog

Repeat until everyone’s tired 🙂

Tuesday 5/12/15 – Shoe Lace Lock

Because everyone needs to see this! How to use the extra hole in your sneakers to get more comfort out of your shoe!

Friday 5/8/15 – Healthy Eats

Being healthy doesn’t only mean you must exercise.  You should eat healthy too.  Now doesn’t this look like a tasty & healthy summer treat?

Wednesday 4/22/15 – Feeling the Burn

The every other day running is finally beginning to pay off, as is the morning yoga.  But, I hadn’t focused on my true core through yoga in a very long time…until earlier this week, and I still feel the burn!  It’s a sensational feeling that pushes me further and to do more.  Enjoy the weather and do your workouts outdoors!

Get Fit In Nature's Gym & Try This Outdoor Workout | Move Nourish Believe

Monday 4/6/15 – Spring has Sprung

It’s felt like eons since a proper workout has taken place.  At this time last year I was heavily training for my first half marathon post baby yet this year I’ve taken a back seat due to scheduling conflicts and far too much snow.  I truly miss my days of long lunch time runs through the hills and valleys of Holliston and Sherborn.

But, I’m taking things back into my own hands…not that they weren’t before…and making fitness a priority.  Spring has sprung, I have jumped back in to running 5k’s 3-4 times a week and doing yoga the other days to stay centered and calm.

Jump in and join me in becoming a happier and healthier you!

Spring has sprung

Thursday 1/22/15 – Morning Workout

The feeling I get from fitting in a morning workout is exceptional.  I figure that I’m already that much further ahead.  the 50 jumping jacks and crunches, followed by 20 push ups in the evening don’t hurt me either!

Get on it!

Fit Girl's Diary 5 Reasons To Do Cardio In The Morning » Fit Girl's Diary- I need to consider this... I hate that i would have to wake at like 4am for this to work...

Monday 1/19/15 – Get Pumped Up

Check out these slogans and get pumped up to exercise!


Tuesday 1/6/15 – The Bug is Back!

I’ve been walking on the treadmill while reading my book club books but yesterday I finally turned up the speed and ran my first mile since early October.  Man, did it feel good.  It’s official, the running bug is back!

Run has become my new favorite away to release what gets built up inside. Lace up the running shoes and get moving :)

Tuesday 12/30/14 – Fitbit Flex

My newest obsession, thanks to Santa, is my new Fitbit Flex.  I’ve yet to figure out how to track my sleep but my steps are back to being tracked and it totally encourages me to keep walkin’!

Fit bit flex!

Friday 12/5/14 – Cold Turkey

It’s pretty hard to go cold turkey on sweets, especially after a holiday like Thanksgiving and especially when you still have left over pie in the fridge…but, that’s what I and the husbando are doing.  Instead of sweets we are eating such healthy things as nuts, cheese, meat products (salami/pepperoni/etc) and fruit.  I’m planning on dipping some blueberries in yogurt and freezing them to give us another healthy snack option.

At breakfast, we’re continuing to have our daily smoothies along with an egg and breakfast sausage.  It’s hard work, but somebody’s got to do it.  So onward we go.  What healthy things are you doing to better your health?

Thursday 11/20/14 – Don’t Fall Behind the 8 Ball

The postings may have become infrequent but the workouts have not.  We even signed up for the local YMCA as a family!

I’ve also become more diligent about making our sons and my lunch the night before so I can get in my morning workout with Tara Stiles.  But, starting December 1, I’m going to go ahead and instill the no junk food challenge until Christmas…for the exception of Christmas parties.

Are you on board?

Thursday 10/9/14 – Evening Workouts

I’ve only been able to find time to workout in the evenings.  I simply cannot muster up the energy to get up early, and when I do there are lunches & breakfasts to be made and a baby to be prepared for daycare.  So, evening yoga it is.  But, here’s a great quick pre-shower workout you might be able to fit in to your day:

Before You Shower Mini Morning Workout--get your workout out of the way before the day even gets started! #workout #morning #exercise

Monday 10/6/14 – Coming Out of the Fog

It has been a long time friends.  I’ve been totally under the weather, like antibiotics and 103 temps kind of under the weather, and unfortunately had to miss the fun Rugged Maniac race I wrote about.  However, I am hoping that this week, allowing that I can muster the strength, I’ll get back on the work out horse.  Here’s my motivation.  What’s yours?!

Sleep well. Eat healthy. Do yoga. Drink water. Love. Laugh. REPEAT.

Friday 9/19/14 – Fitness News

For all of you who travel, and might stay at the Westin…they have teamed up with new Balance to provide you, for a small fee, with workout equipment while you stay!  This isn’t the only hotel chain, that I know of, that does that.  The W also has a great program and leave waters and towels out for you post workout.  I found that out while staying at the W in Chicago a couple of years back and it was just the nicest bonus!

P.S. Apparently both hotel chains are part of the Starwood Hotels

Lastly, I just learned of a kind of cool fitness app called Fityap.  The site is currently in a beta version but I encourage you to check it out.

Also, click the image above for more information on “fit” hotels.

Thursday 9/18/14 – A chill in the air

It’s time for fall, ya’ll!  The morning air is getting chillier, which makes me wonder about all those people running outdoors in short shorts.  Do you *not* own pants?  Unless you’re training for an upcoming marathon and hence running a long while during which time you’re bound to warm up, it is rather pointless to wear shorts in 40 degree weather.  Just my opinion.  Anywho, the point is, whether you need to bundle up, or feel like you’ll get warm while you exercise, get outdoors.  Go for a walk with the stroller, or with a book during lunch.  At the least, walk everywhere within your office building.

If you need motivation, retail therapy never hurt anyone.  So go out, buy some new gym clothes and get on it!

Not even kidding - I work out more frequently when I like my workout clothes.   Super cute workout clothes from LivFit.... Crazy supportive sports bra! I love the bright colors. Makes me want to wear workout clothes all day!   Cutest Work Out Outfit Ever - if I had this it wouldn't matter if I could touch my toes at all. :-D   I will kill it. Definitely, my sister in laws next birthday gift!   Sitting Waiting Wishing   Workout Clothes to Wear Out Every Day----considering this is my typical uniform

Monday 9/15/14 – Get on It

How was your weekend?  Unfortunately I didn’t get out for a run but I did walk 2+ miles while pushing a stroller with a 27+ pound one year old in it and then spent some time walking around a farm.  This morning I was able to squeeze in a 6 minute morning yoga session and did a few crunches in my chair.  Now it’s your turn.  Get to working out at your desk.  It can’t get easier than that!

Until you can convince your boss to put a Primal 7 in the office, try these workouts during the day.

Wednesday 9/10/14 – Struggling to Keep Up

I’ve been struggling to find time to truly work out this week, post vacation.  So I’m trying to do some different activities, like a bike ride before daycare pick up, or a walk at lunch, or a nice 10 minute core yoga workout.  I’m hoping to get back on the running horse next week as I have a Rugged Maniac race and a Mansfield Pop Warner 5K coming up.  Nothing too strenuous, but on the former…I’ll let you know if it was a wise choice to sign up for a muddy race at the end of September.  Here’s hoping I don’t break a leg!

Lastly, here’s a quickie work out session for ya:good quick morning exercise routine - just eight minutes away from a better day.

Wednesday 9/3/14 – Hump Day Workout

This momma had been on a very nice vacation to nowhere far at all.  But, it’s always nice to just get away and try to do something other than come to work every single day.  Upon packing for our Syracuse trip I packed my running gear and my yoga mat.  I have to admit, although my running gear stayed safely tucked away in its bag, I did whip out the mat a few mornings in a row and got in a quick session just because I had the time.  Are you always trying to pack workout stuff too hoping that your healthy self will try and get in a work out?  If nothing else, the gear is there to motivate you!

So, for a little motivation, here is a quick hump day workout:

Quick effective humpday workout

If you’re looking for other quick workouts, just click through to pinterest!

Tuesday 8/19/14 – Don’t Fall off the Wagon

I unfortunately had no time to go out for a run at lunch yesterday, and it looks like that may be the case again today.  So yesterday I did three separate and quick yoga workouts totaling 28 minutes and today, if I don’t run, I hope to do one long yoga workout.  If you have some extra time and want to do a different workout, then take a look below or at my Fitness 101 Pinterest board!

I love all these little routines I'm finding - I love variety until I can find my spin class!

Monday 8/11/14 – Stress Relief

It’s Monday and I’m going to guess that you might be stressed out.  I started my day with some morning yoga and followed it up with a quick lunch time run.  If you don’t have that kind of time, although those two workouts totaled in at only 35 minutes, just do some quick stress relieving stretches at your desk!

Click the image below to see a few additional moves.

When You’re Really Tense... Try a Full-Body Stretch Move 1: The Cat-Cow Sit straight in a chair and place both feet flat on the floor. Exhale as you round your spine forward into a cow pose (top). Then inhale as you arch your back into a cat pose (bottom). Repeat for five more breaths.

Thursday 8/7/14 – Find Time for a Song

Now, you can’t tell me that you don’t even have three to four minutes for yourself.  Regardless of whether you work form home, from the office, or stay home to take care of the kiddos, you should have time to look up Jay Z’s “On to the Next One” and do these quick exercises.  Every little bit counts!

- P.S:You can lose weight fast using these natural drops from->

Tuesday 8/5/14 – Money Bags

Just in case you need a little extra motivation:

Workout motivation tip. Pretty good idea since it'll allow you to save money and you can visibly see how much effort you've put in by looking at how much is in the jar. Definitely trying this.

Monday 7/28/14 – Make your Monday’s count!

From desk to pavement. Make your Monday's count. #workingmom #fitmomma

Monday is the hardest day of the week as you lament the fact that the weekend is over and the deadline crunch has begun yet again.  Something you can do to help yourself get back into the groove of things, and help you feel like even though you’re back to work you can still do something for yourself, is to pack a workout/gym bag.  On Monday’s I usually roll in to work with 4 bags…a bit excessive according to my husband.  I have my personal backpack, my work backpack, my lunch bag and a work out bag.  It forces me to if nothing else, at least go out and walk.

Now get  out there, and make your Monday’s count!

Thursday 7/24/14 – Slave to the Keyboard


At your desk most of the day?  Don’t make that an excuse.  Get up for a walk, even if it is just up and down the hallway.  But if you’re not at liberty to do that…based on your job function, I’m thinking about all you customer service reps, here are some easy moves to do at your desk!

Tuesday 7/22/14 – Key Words

Mom's Workout | (haha! I should do this with

Here is a fun way to stay in shape.  Every time your child says one of these words, do the above!

Wednesday 7/16/14 – Pump up the Jam

EPIC LIST!!! Repin to update your playlist before your next run or race! The Top 100 #Running Songs of All Time | #music #exercise via @SparkPeople

How are you doing with keeping up with your fitness?

Here are some jams to pump up your workout.

Wednesday 6/25/14 – Morning Yoga

I really truly enjoy getting in that 5-10 minutes of morning yoga every morning.  It’s a little something for me and for my body.

Check out this great video from Tara Stiles,  my go to yoga instructor, that will wake up your entire body!

Friday 6/20/14 – Map Your Route

I came across a really great site that allows you to enter your physical address and then map out a walking or running route.  This allows you to measure how far you’ve gone or would like to go.  Check it out!

Tuesday 6/17/14 – Healthy Snacks

We’re always packing snacks for the kiddos, but what about us?  Here’s a quick and healthy snack for you mommas and pappas.

31 Healthy High-Protein Snacks (actually a good list)

Thursday 6/12/14 – City Trails

I received an email yesterday from City Sports who announced a great City Trail run through Back Bay put on my Salomon.  Initially I though, oh man, I miss those Tuesday night run club runs along the Charles, if only we lived closer…but when I saw the date, June 18th, I thought, what the hell, I’m signing up!  Why?  Well, because it’s my birthday that day!  And aren’t you allowed to do the things that you like on your birthday?  I’m so looking forward to the run, and I won’t let myself back out, even if my husband thinks its crazy to drive all the way in to the city to run a 5K which I can do anytime in our town. 🙂

There look to be 10 more spots left in the run so sign up today! It’s free!  You can also download Salomon’s app which will guide you toward some other awesome city trails in some pretty awesome cities!

P.S. How are you doing with the ab challenge?  I’m personally happy that today is a rest day, for those that started on June 1st!

Wednesday 6/11/14 – Wednesday Morning Motivation

Do you take selfies? Did you know selfies are helping motivate and change the fitness world one shot at a time? Selfies are a great way to hold yourself accountable. Read this article to learn about the power of selfies! #selfie #fitspo

Tuesday 6/3/14 – Post run/walk snacks

As you prepare for National Running Day, I wanted to share some ideas for what you could eat after your walk or run.  Check out this pinterest page for some post run snacks, or general post workout snacks.  What’s your go to post workout snack, if any?

Monday 6/2/14 – National Running Day

Calling all mommas.  Run or walk this Wednesday for National Running Day.  You can also track all of your runs and walks on a free Charity Miles app.

Friday 5/30/14 – 30 Day Ab Challenge

Who will do this with me starting June 1?  Come on mommas!

30-Day AB Challenge - let's do this!!!

And here are some tips for pregnant mommas.

Stay fit during pregnancy: aim for 30-60 minutes of cardio most days of the week! Prenatal fitness / pregnant / prenatal exercise

Healthy Momma

Thursday 5/29/14 – Free, Fun & Healthy Activities for Momma

A Healthy Alternative to Girl’s Night Out (GNO):  I just learned about a cool new thing that New Balance is doing and that is, Girl’s Night Out Runs.  Now, what I’m not sure of is whether your local NB store might put these things on or if it’s literally you inviting your girls to go for a run.  Personally, I feel like making the run a public announcement, as the site suggests, might lead to some trouble in today’s world but just be safe, no matter if it’s day or night.  Either way, check it out!

A healthy end to your week: You should also check out the Liberty Hotel’s Saturday yoga and workout sessions.  All sessions are free and super fun.  I used to attend when I lived closer to the city of Boston.

I want to be a fit momma someday who encourages her kids to be healthy and beautiful and leads by example.

Tuesday 5/27/14 – Getting Back on the Fitness Train

So, who fell off the wagon this Memorial Day weekend?  We certainly did, and we weren’t apologetic about it.  We have been working hard and figured we are allowed to enjoy some pie, cobbler, “bad” food, and beer.  I may have also skipped waking up early and doing some yoga, but I do plan on walking or running at lunch and we started our morning off with a nice smoothie.  Here’s a quick workout you can do as many times a day as you want to, to help you get back to where you were before this nice and not long enough weekend 🙂

Get at it , mommas! 🙂Do this 5 times a day and burn 500 calories. 10 times = 1,000 calories. There are 5 commercial breaks in a 1 hour tv episode. Burn 500 calories while watching your favorite show.

Wednesday 5/21/14 – National Employee Health and Fitness Day

Swimsuit season is almost here. Get moving with a quick morning workout!

Burpee Challenge workout

Monday 5/19/14

Here is your Monday morning motivation.  Now get moving! 🙂

So true.

Thursday 5/15/14

healthy kid smoothie.

Looking for another quick and healthy way to start your day?  My husband and I have been drinking a smoothie every morning for…about a month now.  Every now and again we’ll have some scrambled eggs as well but I look forward to that next concoction every night.

We make sure to add a couple of scoops of protein powder, some chia seeds and Almond milk on top of whatever fruits or veggies we blend up.  Here are a number of great recipes for healthy smoothies from pinterest.

Get blending mommies!  I’d bet you could even do a kiddie smoothie.

Monday 5/12/14

Happy belated mother’s day to all the momma’s.  What did you do to stay fit this weekend?  Of course we relaxed a bit and perhaps enjoyed the great out-of-doors with a brew or a drink in our hands but might I pat my self on the back for one moment?  It has been two years since I took part in the Big Lake Half Marathon in Alton Bay, NH.  I have done one other half marathon in the Boston area but this one I’ve returned to three times and this year was my fourth.

I had not run anywhere near 13 miles since that day back in May 2012.  Recently I started training when time allowed, mostly during lunch hours at work.  The most I got in was 8 miles but it was 8 very hilly miles through the country roads of Holliston, Sherborn and Millis, MA.  I wasn’t sure how I’d do this year.  My hope was somewhere around the 2:15 time.

Well, the weather was pretty horrendous for the majority of the race but it was nice enough during the moment when we all run past the Sandy Point Beach Resort and I got to see my husband and baby cheering me on.  This year’s race had me running through all kinds of emotions.  It was more of a race to prove to myself that I can still do it, and do it I did!  In 2:02:45! That is my second best time, and had I not been fiddling with my running jacket I could have been in even quicker but who cares!  I’m so so so excited to have done this race.

It proves that if you put in a little bit of an effort you can really do anything! Get out there you fit momma’s!

Thursday 5/1/14

Happy May day!  May I entice you to do a quick workout today? Take a look at this quick daily routine that will get you feeling like you’ve worked off that morning  latte or muffin!

Easy workouts

Friday 4/25/14

It’s difficult to fit in that one work out.  While I was still at home with the baby, it was damn near impossible, for the exception of a walk around the neighborhood.  Once I went back to work and my husband and I switched off morning duty I tried hard to get in a quick jog on the treadmill or a quick workout from YouTube.

These days, as I poorly train for my half marathon in a couple of weekends I try to do yoga every morning.  Now, before the baby joined our family, that meant dedicating at least 20 minutes.  These days, that’s not reality.  So I have begun doing quick 10 minute yoga sessions with the help of the wonderful Tara Stiles videos on youtube.  They are amazing!  I plan on sharing a lot of them with you guys.

I am also making sure to take advantage of the nice afternoons and going for a run at lunch time.  I try to do this when I may not have important meetings scheduled for the second part of the day but you do what you can.  Even a quick walk outside helps.  I’ve noticed that on the mornings when I don’t do yoga, I start off on the wrong foot.

So, what do YOU do to stay a fit momma?

I leave you with a link to a relaxing workout:

Morning Yoga for Energy!I am renaming this section of the blog.  Since it’s clear that I will never reach my goal of running 12 month’s of 5K’s.  So, starting…soon, I will begin sharing my thoughts and tips on how to stay fit all while juggling babies, husbands and work.

Beautiful pregnant yoga mom

As one year comes to an end and another begins I strive to bring my 12 month’s of 5k’s goal back to life.  Will I actually acheive it this year?  Who knows, but you won’t know until you try.

What I can tell you is that I have begun training for my half marathon in May which takes place along Lake Winnipesaukee.  We’ll see if I will be able to find the time to put in the effort, and time, needed to train properly, but I’ll be sure to keep you up to date on my latest progress.  And with that, I have to give myself a bit of a pat on the back as I have completed my first full week of training and ran a total of 15 miles to date!


My new baby Markus and I have decided to see if we can FINALLY complete this goal and have already ran two races together.  One in August and another in September.  I look forward to sharing the pros and cons from these races, as well as the obligatory photo!  Keep running!

Folks, I have decided to run one official 5k race a month for 12 months straight. I will be sharing photos and race names in case you are looking for a race or cause to contribute to! See you at the race!

After failing my goal in 2012 I have decided to try this once again.  So let’s hear it for the new 12 month’s of 5K’s challenge I am going to have with my own self.  As spring is springing up, I am really beginning to miss the pavement.  Granted, I am pregnant but I really hope this won’t stop me from going on 5K walks and then slwoly easing back into the running.

March 2013 – I am looking forward to taking part in the 2nd Annual St. Paddy’s Day 5K race in Milton, MA.  Yes, I am 6 months pregnant but that doesn’t mean I can’t walk.  All of the proceeds from this race will go to the Milton High School Rugby Club.  So come one come all and don’t forget to wear your green!


***I have to admit…I have failed my goal.  I did not complete a race in November.  The month just got so crazy that before I knew it I was on a plane to San Francisco for Thanksgiving and the following weekend welcomed in the month of December.  Perhaps I should rename this the 6 months of 5K’s?  But I will try and get back on the ball.

I mean I paid and registered for a Frosty 5K this past weekend with marathon sports, it was their inaugural 5K and proceeds went to the track and field programs at a local high school.  So does registering count?  I wussed out not due to the weather or inability to wake up but rather due to having woken up early to our friends cute almost 2 year old running around.  I let life take over and instead spent the morning with our close friends eating pancakes and you know what, sometimes that’s more important than a 5K.  I promise to try and get back on the ball and you all will surely know when I do…or fall off it again.

keep calm and exercise more!

November 2012 – Here is my strategy for the next few colder months, for November and December, try to run a race early in the month in hopes of the warmest weather, in the later winter months, run then toward the end of the month hoping for the same and an early spring 🙂  So with that in mind, I have tentatively picked to participate in the 21st Annual Association of Great Neck Turkey Tune Up on November 10th.  I like a good theme to a race and it seems like this will be another great one.  Hope to see you there! 

October 2012- This morning I ran in the 14th Annual Milton Monster Dash .  “Every year the MFE gives up to $40,000 to teachers in the Milton Public Schools for programs that directly benefit the children in our schools.”  It was another dreary fall morning but all of the cheery and dressed up folks came out.  Here are my pictures as well as the usual pro’s and con’s list.  I can’t wait to run this race again! P.S. If you can’t tell, I was supposed to be Forrest Gump.  My home made t-shirt said “I just kept runnin'” and had a smiley face on it and the hat had “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.”on it. 🙂

Con: I personally cannot think of any, perhaps the one and only water station could have had the cups of water out ready for the runners, otherwise it looked like a bunch of runnign parents were taking things into their own hands.  But since I don’t drink while I run, it really didn’t bother me.

Pro: This was a wonderful race that benefited education.  There were all kinds of kid friendly activities before the 5K Walk/Run and there were also all kinds of children’s races for all age groups.  And the biggest post race pro?  Vita Coco water for post race hydration!  My fave!

September 2012- Earlier this month I talked about two potential races in September, the Lone Gull 10K in Gloucester on the 15th and the Apple Harvest run in West Newbury on the 30th. Runners in the Apple Harvest run had a choice between a 5K and a 5 mile race and “100% of proceeds benefit educational programs at the Dr. John C. Page Elementary school.”

Well…things change and I was pretty excited to find a local race here in Foxborough, or Foxboro…however you want to spell it.  So I woke up this morning and ran in the Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds 2nd Annual 5k/10k and Family 1 Mile Fun RunIt really was fun.  Did you know that the Foxborough Regional Charter School has a 100% graduation rate?  That’s impressive!  “Proceeds from this and future events will benefit health and wellness programs for K-12 students at the Foxborough Regional Charter School.  Health and wellness programs include Physical Education curriculum, Health curriculum,  playground facilities and equipment, recreational after school programming and additional innovative programs that support wellbeing; Healthy Bodies * Healthy Minds!”

Cons: I really don’t have any cons for this race.  I think the 5K was well organized and there were prlenty of refreshments post race.  Maybe the only thing that could have been improved was there could have been mile markers for the runners.  Iaw s fine as I was running to an app on my phone but it would have been nice to see those markers on the road.  But that’s just a nice to have.

Pros: This was a great race and I love to help a good cause, such as education!

August 2012- This past Saturday, I ran in The Jamie Fund 5k!  The race took place in Mansfield and all proceeds went to autism and other disability awareness. Jamie’s mother runs an I Care awareness program at Mansfield High School.You can learn more about the Jamie Fund by going to website. I was pretty excited to run the race in 25:02, according to the race timer and a bit over 24 minutes according to my iPhone :).

As always, here are some photos followed by my pro’s and con’s list for the race:

PRO: Well laid out course through Mansfield.  The race starts and ends at the Mansfield High School.  All proceeds go to disability awareness.  There is a post race party at a local bar named Casey O’Connors and the apps were on Jamie’s parents who were so glad that people made it out for this special race for the 5th year in a row.


I wish it was a bit more clear as to when the adult race began.  I thought it was at 9:30 but that was the kid’s fun run.  The adult race was at 10am. But if that’s the only thing I have to complain about, it must have been a good race 🙂

July 2012– This morning I headed back to our old stomping ground and took part in the Artesani Park 5K in Brighton, MA.

As the race description states, “The Artesani Park 5K is running the old fashioned way — scenic off road courses — great competition — no rock bands — no squeezable yogurt — beautiful T-Shirts — useful awards (pint glasses) — plain water, not flavored water — plus bad jokes by the race director before and after the race!!!”

We ran along the beautiful Charles river where I used to run.  Here are some pre and post photos for your enjoyment:

I finished in 25:14, not my best but I am working through a cold.
And without further ado, here is my pro’s and con’s list.
PRO: Running along the beautiful Charles river and the post race goodies really were good, they even had nutella that you could put on your bagels!
CON: The paths along the river are pretty narrow so at times it’s quite hard to run as fast or as comfortably as you might want to because you constantly have to be watching for people. However, it pushed me to run faster because I wanted to get around folks that were going a bit slower than I would have liked them to.

Well, on to August…I’ll take your suggestions for my next 5K race.

June 2012My dad and I will be running in the 8th Annual Over the River/Through the Woods Run for the Animals in Concord, NH! Sign up and run along the Merrimack River with us.  The proceeds go to the Merrimack County SPCA! 

Well, unfortunately padre and I did not run the 8th Annual Over the River/Through the Woods Run for the Animals due to it being all torrential rainy and all and I think father was worried that it could end badly and he wouldn’t be able to walk me down the aisle, it being my wedding day and all, or worse yet one of us could fall and end up on a gurney or something.

So here I was, it’s the 27th of June and I hadn’t done my 5K for the month only my second month into my twelve months of 5K’s.  I was beginning to see this as a slippery slope of not completing my personal goal.   But, last night, I went on the Cool Running site and came across the 4th annual M.A.D Scramble in Milton, which apparently is the second best town in all of America to live in.  If you saw the houses I did on my drive to the start line, I think you’d believe that rating too.  Now this was a 5 miler and not a 5K but I was looking forward to a longer than usual run.

Here, I even made a little collage for you and below the pictures you will once again see my pro’s and con’s list for this race.

Pro’s: Where do I even begin?The course was fantastic, a part of it was trail runs, which I had never done, and a part was on the road.  The police department was out in full force and guided and protected the runners and everything was just planned out wonderfully.  They even called out my name as I was crossing the finish line, I don’t think that has ever happened.  I came in at 42:21!!!

We began the race with a few nice words encouraging us to scramble home and call a loved one if prior to the race we had had an argument or disagreement with that loved one, as sometimes time is not on our side.  As it says on the site, “The race supports the Detective Michael A Devin Memorial Fund.

Proceeds from the race fund scholarships, support juvenile athletic programs, and provide assistance to families in need.” You can read all about Michael A. Devin on this blog dedicated to his legacy and this race. Thanks to all the post race sponsors especially Vita Coco, “it’s like putting a straw in a coconut” and being refreshed immediately.  If I didn’t care if I looked like a crazy person, I would have grabbed five drinks!

Con: The ONLY con I have is that it could have been less than 85 degrees outside.

I hope the fund raised enough money to helps those in need.  See you next month when I do a true 5K, and not a 5 miler.  Now excuse me while I go and jump in the pool to refresh myself after this awesome race!

May 2012– I ran the Great Bear run in Needham, MA on the 6th. All proceeds went to prostate cancer research!  I was able to finish in 25:24.  That is a personal 5K best.

Needham, MAHere are my pro’s and con’s for the race:

Pro: Proceeds go to prostate cancer research & you get up and moving on a Sunday morning!
Con: I thought that by registering ahead of time I’d have a quicker time picking up my race number but unfortunately that was not the case.  More volunteers or better organization is neede

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